Universal Health Insurance Program皆保険制度
Everyone living in Japan must to enroll in public medical insurance to receive medical treatment in case of illness or injury.
National Health Insurance (Kokumin-Kenko-Hoken) is a type of public medical insurance which is operated by the municipal and prefectural governments of Japan.
Members / Eligibility for Enrollment 加入者 / 加入資格
Foreign nationals who are registered as a resident with a period of stay of more than three months, and who are not listed in the following categories must enroll in National Health Insurance.
- Who are enrolled in a workplace health insurance program
- Who are enrolled in a family member's workplace health insurance as a dependant
- Who are enrolled in the Medical Care System for Older Senior Citizens (for people aged 75 and over)
- Who have the following status of residence:
(1) Temporary Visitor 短期滞在
(2) Designated Activities to receive medical care, or activities to provide regular daily care to that person 医療を受ける活動,又はその人の日常の世話をする活動
(3) Designated Activities to perform tourism, recreational activities or similar activities 観光,保養その他これらに類似する活動
(4) Diplomat 外交
- Who are receiving Public Assistance 公的扶助を受けている方
- Who is from a country that has entered a 'social security agreement' with Japan that includes health insurance, and has been issued a 'social security enrollment certificate' from the government
Enrollment 加入
If you are in case of following list, please visit / call National Health Insurance Section of municipal (city/town/village) office in your area within 14 days.
- When you move to another municipal area 他の市町村に引っ越したとき
- When you leave a workplace health insurance program 被用者保険から外れたとき
- When you leave Public Assistance 公的扶助から外れたとき
- When your child is born 子供が生まれたとき
Bring your Residence card, Special Permanent Resident Certificate, passport, or similar identification.
Bring a Certificate of Designation if your residence status is 'Designated Activities'
Insurance Taxes 保険税
Insurance Taxes finance NHI program and is to be applied to the medical expenses of all NHI members. 保険税は保険制度の原資となり,国民健康保険に加入している皆さんの医療費に充てられます。
Please pay your taxes on time. 期限までにお支払いください。
Calculating Insurance taxes 税の計算 The fiscal year of NHI starts in April and ends in March. 国民健康保険の年度は4月に始まり翌年3月までとなります。 The calculations are based on the income tax return of the previous year, and calculated for the household as a unit. 計算は前年の所得税申告に基づいており,世帯を単位に計算されます。 The tax obligation belongs to the head of the household. 保険税の支払義務は世帯主にあります。 |
Contact the Health Insurance Section in your municipal city office.
TEL 0993-76-1523 Minamisatsuma City 電話 南さつま市